Friday, July 07, 2006

Oh, mama!

Now I know that's Katie Arcieri is only a "Staff Writer" (read: stay-at-home mom) at The Capital in Annapolis, MD but one wonders about journalistic integrity, and common sense, and logical coherence within the same article.

Read Home sales in the county fell 31 percent last month

Let's go over the premises of the article:

Firstly, as the headline says, sales dropped 31%.

Home prices dipped in Queen Anne's County. The median sale price for a home there was $329,000, a nearly 11 percent plummet from that month a year ago.

Home prices dropped 11%. She says so herself.

"Now we're moving into a more typical market and a sharp slowdown."

Typical market or sharp slowdown? Which one?

Pick a lane, bitch!

Or to rephrase...

Should I get my advertising revenues, or should I be a journalist?


Crp said...

She's implying typical market = sharp slowdown. Read between the lines dude.

ShockingSchadenfreude said...

Ummmm, OK!

I guess you failed remedial economics too.

Crp said...

yeah but I aced the prop. logic course.