Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Have Californians lost their freaking minds?

We inaugurate this blog with some spectacular stupidity, the kind that makes a grown man want to weep into the night.

The SFGate reports on Condos for sail : If you love the sea, these homes might float your boat

Excuse me? Has it not occurred to these "investors" that if there was profit to be made in these (pardon the giggles) "condos", then the company would've made that profit itself.


I think these "investors" are going to be experiencing a sinking feeling real soon!


Macavity said...

Why just pick on Californians? Even the "we're the epicenter of the world" New Yorkers aren't far behind... =)

Here's a quote from a recent NY Times article...

"Still, despite caution by some lenders and some customers, many others, including condo developers, brokers and buyers who are still signing contracts and putting down hefty deposits, say they have an abiding faith in the resilience of the market in Manhattan."

Abiding faith my a**.

ShockingSchadenfreude said...

Yeah, ummm "faith".

When I make one of the largest financial purchases in my life, I go by "faith".

Halleluia, and pass the bong!