Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Credit Crunch Hits Heaven!

From the Times of India: Now, meltdown hits pilgrimages.

Even the gods have been impacted by the global financial crisis and its effect on the Indian economy.

Government and private buses from Bangalore to the Tirupati shrine in Andhra Pradesh and the Ayyappa temple in Sabarimala in Kerala do not have many takers these days, forcing operators to reduce the number of trips.

Right now, it is the main pilgrim season in Sabarimala (November to January), about 750 km from Bangalore. But both government and private operators say business is dull on this sector too.

Maybe Indra can call Congress for a Heavenly Bailout?

Should he go to DC on Airavata, or in an American car?


Lionel said...

FPSS, back in September you provided me great solace with some comforting words when I watched my SRS drop from 110 or so to 68 in an instant following Bernanke's first big market intervention, something along the lines of: "Lionel, have the fundamentals changed?" Anyhoo, I was able to take a deep breath and I ended up scoring enough with SRS a few months later to pay off all our credit card debt and our car payments. Fast forward to today, again I've watched my SRS plummet. I don't want you to lie, but, boy, if you have comforting words along the lines of the above, I would be most appreciative. I'm a grad student, not a seasoned investor, and, quite frankly in over my head here. I figured CRE would eventually get obliterated. But today's drop had me nauseated for much of the day. Thanks and take care.

ShockingSchadenfreude said...

Have the fundamentals changed?

ShockingSchadenfreude said...

I'll also add that shorting requires a cast-iron stomach.

This is a classic bear-market rally. If I were guessing, it'll get worse before the bottom drops out.

If only it were that easy to make money... you need a few sleepless nights. Cover down to the sleeping point if it bothers you. :-)

Lionel said...

Thanks, my friend.