Saturday, August 09, 2008

Uncontroversial Advice

Well, the email lines seem to be clogged. O Great EE, or O Asshole EE, now that you have already predicted what's coming down the poop-chute, what shall we do?

Insert hand-wringing. Cue Edith Wharton.

So in the great spirit of decency (rare for the EE), here's some non-controversial advice about the credit upheaval and the upcoming depression.

If you have a gift card to any store, blow the money NOW!

That store may or may not last. Chances are it won't. Will they last through the New Year? Unless, you can read a balance sheet, who the fuck knows? And even then, given their exposure to "derivatives", all bets are off.

Blow 100% of all of your gift cards right now, and don't look back.

This is about as uncontroversial as any advice about finance gets. It's pretty bleedin' obvious.

Also, don't hand out any gift cards. That's pretty fuckin' obvious too.

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