Monday, February 18, 2008

Homeless not Helpless

From USA Today: Some homeless turn to foreclosed homes.

The nation's foreclosure crisis has led to a painful irony for homeless people: On any given night they are outnumbered in some cities by vacant houses. Some street people are taking advantage of the opportunity by becoming squatters.

Foreclosed homes often have an advantage over boarded-up and dilapidated houses that have been abandoned because of rundown conditions: Sometimes the heat, lights and water are still working.

"That's what you call convenient," said James Bertan, 41, an ex-convict and self-described "bando," or someone who lives in abandoned houses.

There you go; that takes care of the homeless "problem".

They're probably eating and living better than the "home moaners" who are currently forced to eat ramen. Hey! but at least they have stainless steel appliances and granite countertops!!!

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