Monday, February 25, 2008


From the Chronicle-Telegram: “I’ll do anything to sell this house”.

The idea seemed simple enough.

Buy a foreclosed home through a sheriff’s sale at a below-market price; fix it up and then resell it making a small profit. It’s called flipping.

Gary Cahill of Elyria knew the plan wouldn’t net him millions, but he and his wife, Janice, were eager to start a new hobby.

I don't know about y'all now but all my hobbies lose me money. They give me a hell of a lot of pleasure but they don't make me any money. Isn't that what a hobby is supposed to do?

“It’s not like this is my only house. I have four mortgage payments to pay plus my business to run,” he said. “I don’t know how long I can keep this up."

Until the Big Bad Bankers take it away, baby, until the Big Bad Bankers take it ALL away.

“It’s not as easy as those television shows would make it seem,” said Cahill.

Television lied? Get out!!!

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