Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Irish Curse

A year ago, we visited the Irish saga: link.

Here's the recap:

Population: 6.1 million

Debt: $1.8 trillion

That's trillion with a T. And the population is half of that of Mumbai.

Quick long division later, that's $448K for each man, woman and child.

That's a fuckload of Riverdance tickets they are going to have to sell. Or they could just institute a penny-tax per pint, and they'll pay it back in a year.
What would the EE advise the Irish?

Get drunk!

About the only option you've had for millenia. You think you can beat that by borrowing a crapload of money?


G said...

Sweet! How did they end up with such a pile?


ShockingSchadenfreude said...

That link was on my blog almost two years ago.

The numbers have crept up because of debt service, etc.