Friday, September 26, 2008

Stickin' it to the man

From El Universal in Mexico: Carstens: crisis en EU es peor que la de 1929. (Translation: Carstens: crisis in the US is worse than 1929.)

El secretario de Hacienda, Agustín Carstens, previó afectaciones en la economía mexicana por la crisis financiera en Estados Unidos, principalmente en exportaciones, remesas y turismo.

Desde su perspectiva, el problema económico en el país vecino es quizá peor que la gran depresión de 1929. Aclaró que en materia macroeconómica la situación mexicana es más sólida, lo que ha permitido enfrentar la incertidumbre financiera.


The Secretary of Finance, Agustin Carstens, anticipated the impact of the financial crisis in the US principally in exports, remittances and tourism.

In his perspective, the economic problem in the neighboring country is perhaps worse than the Great Depression of 1929. He clarified that the macroeconomic situation in Mexico is more solid which has helped address the financial uncertainty.

While the "macroeconomic situation" in Mexico is "more solid" (which is fuckin' poo-inducingly scary just to say out loud), the idea that they are not going under the proverbial bus is a joke.

Get a clue, folks!

GD Part II coming up.

As Brahms once told a critic, "Any fool can see that!"

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