Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Party!

Last night, a bunch of us at work went out for a few drinks, and dinner. What started out as some minor complaining about the cluelessness of our friends and families about economics turned into a major whinefest. But, the booze and the vitriol was flowing freely, and much merriment was had by all...

Here are the top 5 complaints:

"I bought a stock at 20, and now it is 60. Should I sell it?"

What's the name of the company, dumbass?

"Should I invest in X?"

No, you shouldn't! You're a dumbass!

"I never have any luck in stocks."

That's because successful investing is a matter of "analysis" not "luck", dumbass!

"Will the market go up or down?"

If I knew with any degree of confidence, I wouldn't be talking to someone like you. I would be on my private jet flying to my own private island, and no, you would not be invited, dumbass!

And the NUMBER ONE complaint universally voiced by all:

"I bought a stock, and it went down 50% but I haven't lost any money because I haven't sold it yet."

Yes, you have! The market doesn't "remember" when anyone bought or sold; it is what it is currently, and you've lost half your money, dumbass!

Happy holidays!

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