Friday, March 20, 2009

The Ponzimonium Strikes Back!

Reuters reports: U.S. regulator probing "rampant Ponzimonium".

Hundreds of people in the United States are under investigation for financial scams, many involving Ponzi schemes, a U.S. regulator said, calling the phenomenon "rampant Ponzimonium."

While none are as mammoth as disgraced financier Bernard Madoff's $65 billion fraud, multimillion-dollar "mini Madoffs" are proliferating from New York to Hawaii, the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission said.

So far this year, the agency has uncovered 19 Ponzi schemes, which depend on an influx of new capital instead of investment profits to pay existing investors.

That compares with just 13 for all of 2008.

Chilton called the problem "rampant Ponzimonium" and "Ponzipalooza" -- a play on the word "Lollapalooza," an American music festival featuring a long list of acts.

You didn't exactly expect the greatest Credit Orgy in World History to not end like this, did you?

Every bubble ends with the revelation of a massive number of frauds. It's how the game works.

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