Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Zombiecalypse

Bloomberg reports: Wells Fargo Says 80 May Be the New 65 for Retirees.

Americans are prepared to work longer in order to save enough for retirement, according to a survey by Wells Fargo & Co.

“Eighty is the new 65,” Joseph Ready, executive vice president of Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement & Trust, said in an interview at Bloomberg headquarters in New York before the survey was released today. “It’s a real sea change.”

About 74 percent expect to work in retirement, according to the survey, with about 39 percent working because they’ll need to and 35 percent because they want to. And 25 percent of those surveyed said they expect they’ll need to work until at least age 80 because they don’t have sufficient savings.

Given that life expectancy is about 78 in the United States, there's going to be a lot of zombies walking around for at least two years afterwards!!!

George Romero, eat your heart out!

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