Friday, September 25, 2009

"Let them eat cake!"

(Source: USDA.)


Tom said...

Is it just me, or do these two graphs seem inconsistent with a relatively steady U.S. population growth over the same time period?

(See for evidence that the population growth has been fairly steady.

ShockingSchadenfreude said...

It isn't inconsistent.

It shows you the effect of the 1994-2000 credit boom and the bust thereafter.

People on food stamps don't buy houses so they did not participate in the absurd credit boom of 2001-2007.

In fact, it precisely predicts the bogosity of the US economy since 1994.

Tom said...

Let me be more precise. If you take the ratio of these two curves, it should match the graph of the U.S. population over the same time period. It doesn't look to me like it does. This wouldn't imply that their numbers are way off, but it would imply a deplorable lack of proper method in their chartmaking.