Monday, November 22, 2010

The Law of Mechanical Theorems

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Portuguese are gonna get raped quickly. We all know that.

What we want to know is who's gonna get mauled a year ahead of time.

Irish per capita debt: $550K

Dutch per capita debt: $226K

Expect a mauling same time next year!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Irish Curse

A year ago, we visited the Irish saga: link.

Here's the recap:

Population: 6.1 million

Debt: $1.8 trillion

That's trillion with a T. And the population is half of that of Mumbai.

Quick long division later, that's $448K for each man, woman and child.

That's a fuckload of Riverdance tickets they are going to have to sell. Or they could just institute a penny-tax per pint, and they'll pay it back in a year.
What would the EE advise the Irish?

Get drunk!

About the only option you've had for millenia. You think you can beat that by borrowing a crapload of money?